New Feature & Updates

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We have today added a new feature to the No Bullshit Revolution Wasteland Server. When you get wounded, it is now possible for a team mate to put you in a vehicle and drive you to safety to be revived! We think it is pretty cool and adds a new dimension to the revive function. All you need to do is drag the player very close to a vehicle, then rotate you you are pointing at the vehicle and “Put …

More Updates, Tweaks And Improvements.

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We have implemented a load of minor tweaks, bug fixes and improvements to the server. There are too many little things that are not overly noticeable to list, but the main changes are as follows: Headshots are now fatal – Basically if you are shot in the head then it means instant death and you cannot be revived. Ballistic helmets will absorb damage but depending on range and calibre, if the shot that incapacitates you is a headshot then there …

New Server IP – NBR Server Has Moved

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We have today moved our server to a much more powerful machine with a vastly improved connection! The new server is a big step up from what we were on and hopefully we will all feel the performance benefits. We have also implemented yet more FPS optimisations to the map config so we are confident the NBR experience will be the smoothest around. Please Report any bugs or faults you find to us via the contact form on this site. …

Important Information & Updates

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Having completed a total overhaul of our map config, we continue our journey to be the most unique and best wasteland server available. To accomplish this we need to move our server to vastly improved hardware with a top quality connection. This is going to mean the server’s IP will be changing! We aim to have this transfer complete within the next week to 10 days, so our current server will disappear from your recent servers list in the Arma …

Server Rollback

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We have been forced to roll back the server to a stable map config we used before the Eden update came along to spoil the party. This should mean that all the little fixes we made recently should still be good but the map itself will be back to how it always was with no new or modified gunstore locations or towns. We are hoping to get the spawning issues with 1.56 all ironed out in the next couple of …

Major Issues Joining The Server

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We have discovered a major bug which is preventing people from joining our server! It seems that most of the Combat Life Saver (Group Leader) slots are ok but the majority of the rest of the group slots, i.e sniper, engineer, combat life saver etc will just cause a player to hang at the NO BULLSHIT REVOLUTION – A3Wasteland – Stratis – LOADING.. screen. If this happens to you then please keep trying different slots till you get a working …

More Map Updates

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We have this evening implemented a few more changes to the map and fixed a few little bugs. Bug Fixes A few things have been ironed out behind the scenes, but most notably we have fixed the bug where vehicles would spawn in without any ammo after a restart and thanks go to a great guy called AgentRev for that one! We still are working on getting the vehicles to stay locked and the base locker issue, more news as …

1.56 Update And Much More..

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The much anticipated 1.56, or “Eden” update has finally landed. We have been working hard behind the scenes in the lead up to this release to make sure we are as prepared as possible. We managed to get most of the bugs ironed out in pre release testing so we are hopeful there won’t be too many more bugs lurking around. Please keep an eye out for any thing that is not working correctly and let us know. Also be …

Server Restart Cycle Changed

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The automatic server restart schedule has been changed.  The restarts will still occur every 4 hours to help keep the server clear of clutter and maintain optimum performance, but the restart timings are now as follows: 4am // 8am // Mid-Day // 4pm // 8pm // Midnight (All Times Are GMT) We have made these changes to define 4 main sessions to help offer more uninterrupted gaming during our peak times. Morning Session: 8am – Mid-Day Afternoon Session: Mid-Day – …

A Few Mission Tweaks

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We have tweaked the missions on the server to try and enhance the in game experience and also improve the server performance. We have re-introduced the Taliban Roadblock missions where a number of Taliban posing as police officers have set up check points around the map. The Taliban always carry drugs and sometimes can provide a very big score of up to 14 drugs items. We have also supercharged the Money Hackers mission with a shit load of pretty savage …