Why Did The In-Game Items Change? OK, so our friends at Bohemia Interactive Studios have changed their view on our Custom Loadout System and have now decided we need to reduce the in game items we include in our custom loadouts. We went through all the official channels to get approval in the first place, we gave them the information on the in game items we wanted to include in our custom loadouts and we received written confirmation that this proposal …
Performance Boost / Mission Revamp
There has been a number of performance enhancements added to the server today. We hope that everyone will enjoy increased FPS and the server should run much smoother as a result. Along with the Gun Store Update, we have re-worked the mission config into different categories. The missions are now in 3 categories: Capture Missions Missions where taking out the AI will reward a vehicle or weapons cache. Assault Missions Missions such as town invasion or weapon smugglers etc where …
Gun Store Update
The Sunken Village Gun Store and the South Tower Gun Store have both been modified. Sunken Village has had the building layout improved, with the two broken towers removed and wrecked vehicles relocated to the hillside to provide better performance and allow more tactical approaches. The abandoned shop buildings have been replaced with buildings offering more cover and more windows to shoot from. The South Tower Gun Store has had the Gun Store building itself replaced to stop teams camping …
Membership FREE Trials Given To Players
We have selected 30 players at random from our leaderboards and issued these players with a 7 day free trial of the Community Membership Custom Loadout to give people an idea of part of the benefits on offer with our membership. Anyone that wishes to continue their Custom Loadout after the free trial has finished is very welcome to subscribe to a membership.
Sticky Bombs Added To Server
We have added an updated feature for using explosive charges and satchel charges. You can now attach charges to walls or vehicles with the new Sticky Charge feature we have implemented. Simply purchase either a satchel or explosive charge, go to where you want to place it, scroll your mouse wheel and a green triangle should appear when you select “Put Explosive Satchel”. Attach the charge and then scroll your mouse wheel to select “Touch Off bomb(s)” and BOOM! We …
Weapon & Gear Upgrade
We have decided to upgrade the default gear on the server. Fresh Spawns now have a TRG assault rifle, helmet and vest as standard. This is a trial for now and we will see how it goes and make a decision on whether we keep this system or revert to the old spawn system again.
Combat Log Crackdown
We have had numerous complaints about people combat logging. This is when a player leaves the server when under fire, or carrying a large amount of money or gear, or using alt+f4 to quit the game when wounded to try and avoid a death on their stats or deny the person that shot them the kill that they deserve or the money their victim was carrying. In response to these complaints we will now be issuing 24 hour bans to …
New Server Restart Cycle
We have made a number of performance enhancing improvements to the server over the last few weeks and today we have decided to trial a new restart schedule. The server will now automatically restart every 6 hours (6am – 12pm – 6pm and Midnight) The server was set to automatically restart every 4 hours to ensure that we had the best possible performance. We always felt this was quite a short time and quite a few players enjoy a longer …
Admin Abuse
We are now taking a zero tolerance approach to anyone accusing our admins of cheating, hacking or abusing their powers. In just the last week we have had one admin accused of abusing powers he doesn’t even have access to. Another is repeatedly accused of using god mode by people that spray their Stings into his ballistic helmet and body armour. Another accused of using powers that don’t even exist to know where everyone is (its called a UAV drone …
Day / Night Cycle & Vehicle Store Re-structure
We have listened to the feedback we have received in the opinion polls and we have re-implemented the day / night cycle on the server. It is quite difficult to get the timings right so we will tinker with how long it takes for darkness to fall over the coming days. We have added some provisional lighting to key areas on the map, and again we will see how this works out and will make changes as and when we …