A Few Tweaks And Updates

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We have been busy bees behind the scenes and as part of our mission to be the very best we have ironed out a few little bugs and issues and also added a little bit of scenery to add to the game play.

The main updates are firstly we have added a fix to players getting killed by rogue AI on the spawn island. The bug was an absolute fucker to track down so we have implemented a system to make weapons useless on the spawn island so even if the AI bug out and spawn there, they cant kill anyone. We are sure that anyone that has been merc’d on the spawn island and lost all their gear will be delighted with this news!

We also fixed the base lockers that were not working after the spate of recent updates. So now you can lock your base parts so people cant steal them again. More info on base lockers can be found in the FAQ section of this website.

With the eastern gunstore at the Sunken Village proving to be a massive tourist attraction, we decided to add some fortification to the overlooking Radar Station to give that capture zone more significance and make it easier to defend and harder to attack. We hope you like this addition to an already highly popular area of the map.

With our mounting running costs adding up each month, we have added the provision for people to be able to make voluntary donations to help us continue to provide our awesome Wasteland experience. We do however wish to make it completely clear that the No Bullshit Revolution is a non profit organisation. Anyone wishing to make a donation is doing so of their own free will on the understanding that any donation is exactly that, a donation towards our monthly server costs to help us to continue to provide our server to everyone for free. You are not buying any services, rights, addons, loadouts or privileges and we will not contravene the BIS Monetisation Policy in any way for any player. Server admin positions are issued on merit and are in no way related to any donation received. Anyone that would like to make a donation can find the details in the FAQ under donations.

Lastly we continue to work on the player stats page. There will be a few updates on this in the coming days so keep your eyes peeled for a much more finished product very soon.

Keep on killing folks.
